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Redefine Your Look

Contour Oklahoma offers a variety of injectable options as well as PDO threads. Dermal fillers and neurotoxins are used to smooth wrinkles, plump facial structures, eliminate frown lines, and even reduce fat. Injectables are an increasingly popular choice for non-surgical cosmetic enhancement. You can redefine the features of your face by accentuating your bone structure, restore lost volume and create fullness where desired. Create a naturally contoured look and take years off of your face. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Types of Injectables at Our Office

Injectables are separated into categories based on what they treat. Dermal fillers plump facial features such as the lips and cheeks and restore lost volume. Neuromodulators (often referred to as neurotoxins) temporarily paralyze the muscles to eliminate and prevent wrinkles. These two categories of injectables are often used in combination to create a full-face effect. There is currently only one fat dissolver on the market, Kybella. It can reduce excess fat under the chin. The injectable options we offer include:


Botox | Dysport
These are essentially muscle paralyzers which are used to flatten fine lines and wrinkles.

Dermal Fillers

We offer a variety of products from Allergan, Galderma, Prollenium and Restorative Injectables. Our team will help you decide which product is best to achieve your goals.


Sculptra is a product that is injected to promote local natural collagen formation. This can be done in various areas such as the "hip dips" to create volume and is famously known to be used to create a "Nonsurgical Brazilian Butt Lift." Results are smoother and more uniform and natural-looking than results from traditional fat transfer.

PDO Threads

Polydioxanone (PDO) threads are a special medical grade thread that is thinner than hair and is made of protein. Research has confirmed that PDO relaxes tendons and muscles, whilst a foreign body reaction improves the blood flow to the area stimulating the production of new collagen in the skin.

Call Us Now to Contour Your Life